Wednesday, April 27, 2011

 A couple of weeks ago we watched a YouTube video of a man making a soccer ball out of a fruit bag and newspapers.  Today, upon receiving a load of junk mail (those coupon newspapers that fly to pieces by the time you have brought them back to the house), Joshua asked if he could make one.  He is SO happy with his handiwork!  There was one setback, when he got his ball stuck way high up in the Catalpa tree after pretending it was the death star.  However, he remedied that by cutting down a tree (Yes!  A whole tree!) to retrieve it.  Joshua could not quite lift and maneuver the tree to get his ball down.  I was giving a valiant effort when lo and behold Daddy materialized mid afternoon and heroically saved the newspaper ball before the rains hit this afternoon. 


  1. That is ONE BIG TREE and a terric ball, well worth the save. . . .

  2. I LOVE this post, and now you will have a wash prop.Way to go Yoder family
