A big thrill comes to our house six days a week. He can be heard a street away and at the first sound of his engine, Ella, Joshua and Gabriel all run out of the house shouting, "M.M.!" (code for mailman) or "Becky Pecky!" (also code for mailman). They refer to the gentleman pictured below as "Nicey" as he is their sure favorite and most frequent bringer of parcels. They sometimes leave him goodies~ flowers or pictures, Gabriel sometimes stuffs the mailbox with dried out leaves and puts the flag up~ and Nicey has been known to bring them Girl Scout cookies and temporary tatoos, but today our dearest mailman really melted our hearts. We were not home to greet him, but when we returned we found a HUGE party mix bag of candy waiting on the doorstep. With it was a yellow post-it note that read:
For the kids at 110 Rebel Ridge Rd. Happy Easter! (a little early) The Mailman

And every Tuesday this dear city worker comes by in his "picker-upper" and hands out candies to Ella, Joshua and Gabriel. Once we were even heading out in the car when the picker-upper was coming up our street and the candyman hopped out, hailed us down, and delivered butterscotches through the car windows.
Oh what a wonderful ode. . . .and what kind and gentlemen. . . .I do love you all.
ReplyDeleteI love this! The spirit of giving and kindness abounds! :) XOXO
ReplyDeleteso cute!!! Your children will always remember this!